BOD Special Meeting Minutes- November 17, 2020
Virtual Meeting due to COVID Pandemic
Winston-Salem, NC
November 17, 2020
Attendees: Ellen Heck, Dara Silver, Chris Gilmore, Kyle Barnes, Larry Barron, Ellen Coble, Brittany Emery, Chrissy Hardy, Shannon Meares, Griff Morgan, April Ruffin-Adams, Bill Scheidt, Julia Toone, Lara Hanes Pierce, Jennifer Holman, and Tomisha Gladman. Robin Hollis and Paige Raper also in attendance.
Meeting called to order by Ellen Heck at 5:46pm explaining that the purpose of the meeting is to discuss the re-opening plan.
Executive Committee report by Griff Morgan- The recommendation of the Executive Committee is to remain in Plan C (remote learning) from November 30, 2020- January 25, 2021. The Board will make a decision on January 12, 2021 regarding what plan to implement after January 25.
It was highlighted that there will be 4 weeks of school between now and the time the Board meets to vote on next steps. Between now and then there are 2 major holidays that typically involve travel, visitation, and social gatherings that may impact spread of COVID-19.
Two factors that the Board has been monitoring to aid in our decision are 1) Trends in Community Spread and 2) Decisions of the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools and other community schools.
The number of new cases per 100,000 residents of Forsyth County has been steadily rising and was last measured at 365 per 100K for the 2-week period ending November 7, placing us in the highest risk category of transmission in educational institutions. The percentage of COVID-19 tests that resulted in a positive diagnosis has similarly been climbing and was most recently 13.2% on November 7, placing us in the highest risk category for transmission in educational institutions.
According to their public dashboard, Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools as of today has 140 staff in quarantine, compared to 127 yesterday. Currently, there are 26 confirmed cases in their staff, up from 24 yesterday. These numbers are only for those elementary schools that have opened for pre-K, Kindergarten, and 2 days of 1st Grade learning. 89 students were in quarantine yesterday, and today that number is 125 with 10 confirmed cases.
The trend in community spread and the experience of the Winston-Salem Forsyth County School system has led the Executive Committee to recommend remaining in Plan C until January 25, 2021.
Comments were then fielded from the community attendees, reflecting the difficulties being experienced by the students as well as support for the Executive Committee and the Board in this difficulty decision-making process.
The motion from the Executive Committee was received. This was seconded by Ellen Coble. Vote by Roll Call was conducted by Paige Raper. The motion passed unanimously.
Shannon Meares moved to adjourn. Tomisha Gladman seconded. The motion to adjourn passed.
Next Board Meeting is on December 8, 2020.