BOD Meeting Minutes-August 14, 2020
Virtual Meeting due to COVID Pandemic
Winston-Salem, NC
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
In Attendance:
Kyle Barnes, Ellen Heck, Ellen Coble, Robin Hollis, Paige Raper, Suzanne S, Lara Hanes Pierce, Tomisha Gladman, Brittany, Kyle Barnes, Chrissy Hardy, Shannon, Danielle Parker, Julia Toone, Larry Barron, Mary Siebert, Becky Dickson, Griff Morgan, Dara Silver, Christopher Gilmore, April Ruffin-Adams
The meeting of the Board of Directors of The Arts Based School was called to order on August 11, 2020 at 1747 by Ellen Heck.
Shannon motioned followed by Kyle to approve July Minutes
Shannon motioned followed by Tomisha to approve special meeting minutes
Financials were reviewed
Kyle motioned, followed by me to approve financials
Facilities committee- Ellen permits are being processed for the courtyard expansion
Finance committee- met to agree that we’re in a good position to move forward on construction
Development- Ellen Coble- actively engaged in trying to get on the calendar to get our capital campaign on the calendar in the next 2 years. Plan for development committee meeting to discuss when to engage. Multiple ways to have multiple asks during the giving year. Need to make sure staff members aren’t doing their own fundraising. Becky Dickson asked a clarifying question
Diversity and Inclusion- no updates
Personnel Committee- met before last board meeting to do the yearly Principal’s report/evaluation. Committee recommended a raise, but Robin declined it given the current climate
Principal’s Report- seeing more activity around families making choices with regard to home schooling, etc
- Budget built on 529 students, but it is a constantly moving target
- We do have a waiting list but unlikely to be able to accommodate any on it
- First day of school is 8/19
- Making sure communication is active, lots of parents meetings
- Continuing to prepare for Plan B
- Staff development this week- meetings for trainings, setting up special visits for parents
- ABS received NC Access Grant, state funding earmarked for replication ($500K). Our Timeline continues to shift with the delay of the capital campaign Ellen asked if we’ve gotten approval to delay acceptance of those funds
Lara Hanes Pierce asked question regarding donor’s choice- and how those that may have capacity could potentially contribute in multiple ways
Becky Dickson- parents council, brainstorming role of parent’s rep, no formal meeting, laying out goals of what the parent council can do this year
Ellen- ABSSO had a meeting on 7/24 to determine if aftercare would be able to function during Plan C. The answer was no. However, it will be available once Plan B starts.
Ellen anticipates that parents will be asking when we will know when we will have an answer for them on how the plan to move forward with Plan B. We’ll plan on potentially Tuesday August 25
Tomisha asked when parents will have an answer to when they’ll know what the day or week will look like for their student, and whether or not it will be grade dependent. Robin responded that between the parents’ special visits and the back to school event, those questions will be answered. Monday of each week will have rolling updates. These are done through Google Classroom and See-Saw. Updates will also be communicated through tomorrow’s parent’s meeting.
No other business
Ellen, Lara motion to adjourn at 6:16pm
Minutes Prepared by Ellen Coble