BOD Special Meeting Minutes- October 6, 2020
Virtual Meeting due to COVID Pandemic
Winston-Salem, NC
October 6, 2020
Called to order by Ellen Heck at 5:45pm
Ellen explained the agenda for the meeting and then conducted roll call
Griff Morgan presented the Executive Committee’s recommendation on whether to move to Plan B or remain in Plan C. Factors influential to the recommendation were:
- Public Health Statistics
- Parent input through surveys
- Successes/Failures of surrounding schools
- Best interests of the students
- The notion that we’re doing a better job of remote learning/teaching compared to the Spring
This led to a motion from the committee to remain in Plan C until at least November 30, 2020- the end of the first trimester.
The floor was opened for comments from parents and teachers starting with Matthew Greene reading his letter. There were several questions and expressions of gratitude toward the board fielded from the attendees. Most questions were fielded by Robin.
The motion was seconded by April
Vote by Roll Call led to unanimous approval
Motion to adjourn by Ellen Coble and seconded by Shannon Meares