BOD Meeting Minutes- June 12, 2018
ABS 7th Street Building
Winston-Salem, NC
Tuesday June 12, 2018
Joan Marie Belnap | x |
Kyle Barnes | |
Kelly (Carswell) Emling | |
Brian Cole | |
Matthew Donnell | |
Brittany Emery | x |
Chris Gilmore | x |
Chrissy Davis Hardy | x |
Cheryl Harry | |
Ellen Heck | x |
Cheryl Hicks | |
Michelle Taylor Kennedy | |
Amy Lanning | x |
Debbie Linville | |
Charlie McCurry | |
Griff Morgan | x |
Kevin Nunley | x |
Linda Pass | x |
Bill Scheidt | |
Suzanne Shuford | x |
Margaret Taylor | x |
Julia Toone | X (by phone) |
Also in attendance: Robin Hollis, Paige Raper, Mary Siebert
- Meeting Called to Order – 5:45pm – Meeting called to order at 5:52 by Kevin Nunley.
- Approval of May Minutes – ACTION REQUIRED – Joan Marie Belnap suggests a change to state that on the budget, the ADM revenue line was an additional $125,000. Motion to approve pending the change by Amy Lanning and seconded by Chris Gilmore. All are in favor with no one opposed. The minutes are approved.
- Review of May Financial Results (Brittany) – ACTION REQUIRED – We’re looking good – where we expected to be. There is one month left in this budget. Revenue for May is $187,000, with expenses of $318,000, YTD net income of almost $90,000 currently. We expect that to go down but expect to be pretty close to even for our budget for the year. Margaret Taylor moves to approve and seconded by Joan Marie Belnap. All in favor no one opposed. The financials are approved.
- Approval of ’18-’19 Budget – ACTION REQUIRED – The budget was sent back around with the board materials. Kevin Nunley has looked at the increase in ADM and the high level of the state budget but it’s a moving target. Right now we’re looking at increases for per pupil but also salaries. If that goes into effect, some amount of that would transfer to us. We know there will be an increase but don’t know how much. Kevin feels confident on the increase in ADM but we didn’t budget for an increase in any of the more local revenue. We built in an increase of roughly $200 per student. Margaret Taylor reminds us that we have no way of knowing this before the fall. Joan Marie asks about budgeting for landscaping because it looks rough outside. Julia Toone has talked with Kristen Haaf. Kristen is in charge of the gardens and mentioned that she may reach out to volunteers outside of the ABS community. The 2% increase is a bucket that is used to give increases. We all wish it could be higher than 2%. Last year we passed a budget and then amended it in October and we expect to do the same this year. Motion to approve the budget comes from the finance committee and seconded by Griff Morgan. All in favor and no one opposed. The budget is approved.
- Approval of Acadia Student Services Contract – ACTION REQUIRED – We currently have two contracts with Acadia: finances and student info services. Contract is up for renewal. It’s a two-year contract and it is the same as what we had before. Margaret Taylor makes motions to renew both contracts and Chrissy Hardy seconds. All are in favor with no one opposed. The contracts will be renewed.
- Strategic Planning Update – ACTION REQUIRED – Griff Morgan– For a number of years we have had an afterschool program with the YMCA on site here. This year starting in January we had a second provider called Imprints who hired ABS staff to stay over and work at afterschool. Imprints uses our building and our staff to make a profit and the question is could we do this instead? Yes. We probably need to set up a separate corporation to run that. If we approve this, Mrs. Hollis is ready to let parents know about the change. Question – Would we pay taxes on unrelated services? No, it would be a part of the mission. Julia Toone says this is what Imprints did. They are a non-profit organization, and this is their for-profit arm. Brittany Emery wonders if we would need different book-keeping than Acadia. If it is a different tax return, we would want to know that everything is accounted for. Buses from other organizations could still pick up here. Joan Marie asks if we would provide care on breaks, etc. Possibly but we would want a minimum of ten students for care. There is an hour after students get out of school and while teachers are still working. With 60 kids, we could make a profit of $60,000. These numbers are conservative. Imprints has been a great partner. We are renting them our bus. They pay rent to use our space. We have had great feedback from parents on Imprints because it is ABS staff working with kids. That is the best part of the model. We are well-equipped to care for children and in tight budget times it will help the budget and also some teachers earn some more money. The Strategic Planning Committee makes the motion to approve the ABS afterschool program. Suzanne Shuford seconds. Margaret abstains due to a family member at Imprints. All others are in favor and the ABS afterschool program is approved.
- Construction Update (Kevin) – We still do not have the permit. It is taking a long time for everyone to get a permit right now. Amy and Kevin met with Neal Foster and there is now a copy of a lease that will work. We will have more and will pay more for that, but it doesn’t change any terms or cap rate etc. Don thinks he can make headway and make a September finish. The window grills will stay once block glass is put in. Paige Raper and Robin Hollis have been working on possible contingency plans to start the year without those classrooms. Don/Premier is working for less than he worked for when he did the theater. His was still the best budget and he is familiar with the existing building. Steel costs are up quite a bit.
- Committee Updates – Various – Board Development – Key board needs are non-parents with access to community, corporate, family foundations, etc.
- Principal’s Report (Robin) – Report was sent via e-mail prior to the meeting. We are trending above the national norm on MAP test results. The state has not certified the EOG results yet so we can’t share those out. A mistake was already found on the 8th grade science EOG scores that changed some scores. We have been working hard on staffing. One of our amazing teachers, Yvonne Leab, is leaving to take an admin position in the WSFCS system. Our EC teacher, Whitney Lang, has decided to retire before the state rolls out a new IEP system. Keri Sankey is a classroom teacher who will step into that role as a licensed EC teacher. We still need a second EC teacher for the middle school. Read to Achieve summer program is about to launch. Funding is provided to provide support for 1st-3rd For 1st and 2nd graders this is an hour a day, four days a week. For 3rd graders it’s 4-hours a day, four days a week. We only have two students who haven’t made it. Joan Marie asks if students have to come for that. Some are away and we try to work with them on scheduling.
- Parent Council Updates– Field Day was a great day for the students!
- Other Business – Finance committee – We have an investment account so we can accept stocks. Joan Marie Belnap and Amy Lanning are rolling off the board. Thank you for everything you have done for us! No meeting in July.
- Adjournment – 6:45pm – Motion to adjourn made by Linda Pass, seconded by Chris Gilmore. All in favor. The meeting is adjourned.
Looking Ahead:
● Board Meeting – August 14