BOD Meeting Minutes- January 13, 2018
ABS Board Retreat
Sawtooth School for Visual Arts
Winston-Salem, NC
Saturday January 13, 2018
Joan Marie Belnap | x |
Kyle Barnes | |
Kelly (Carswell) Emling | x |
Brian Cole | x |
Matthew Donnell | x |
Brittany Emery | x |
Chris Gilmore | x |
Chrissy Davis Hardy | x |
Cheryl Harry | |
Ellen Heck | x |
Cheryl Hicks | x |
Michelle Taylor Kennedy | x |
Amy Lanning | x |
Debbie Linville | |
Charlie McCurry | x |
Griff Morgan | x |
Kevin Nunley | x |
Linda Pass | x |
Bill Scheidt | x |
Suzanne Shuford | x |
Margaret Taylor | x |
Julia Toone | x |
Also in attendance: Robin Hollis, Paige Raper, Julee Nunley, Jan Adams, Yvonne Leab, Nicole Howard, Mary Siebert
- Meeting Called to Order – Meeting called to order by Kevin Nunley at 11:10.
- Approval of December Minutes – ACTION REQUIRED – Motion to approve the December minutes made by Amy Lanning. Chrissy Hardy seconds the motion. All are in favor with no on opposed. The motion passes and minutes are approved.
- Review of December Financial Results (Brittany) – ACTION REQUIRED – Financial information was sent via e-mail before the board meeting. Halfway through the year everything is on track and we’re where we expected to be. December revenue is $436,000, December spending is $364,000. Motion to approve the financials made by Brian Cole. Linda Pass seconds the motion. All are in favor with no one opposed. The motion passes.
- Committee Updates – Margaret Taylor –Board Development. Everyone received a survey via email asking for demographic information that is helpful to have for grant applications. Please fill that out. We are in a good place with skill sets and the board application process. We are always in need of non-parents who may want to join the board. Robin Hollis says we are already receiving applications. Cheryl Harry has resigned from the board and we will need to fill that spot. She is too busy to fulfill her board responsibilities.
Ellen Heck – We are meeting with Peter Wilbur on the 25th to discuss shooting footage for marketing videos. Kevin Nunley – Quick update on facilities – I have full drawings for expansion. The plans show increases in bathrooms with are required. The side of the courtyard with three classrooms will feel like an extension of the current 6th grade hallway. This is considered phase #1 of the courtyard expansion. It is an immediate need. It is in engineering right now. Phase #2 is a large music room with space for sectionals and a multi-purpose space (possible café) with closet space. There will be an overhang that will allow students to walk into the courtyard under cover if it rains. Don has said he can meet the fall deadline with no issues. Principal’s Report (Robin) – The lottery starts at 5:45 and the board meeting can start at 6:45. The lottery will likely not be over by then but the board can at least get started.
- Parent Council Updates
- Other Business – Matthew Donnell applauds the way the board is carefully thinking through the details of the replication discussion before making decisions.
- Adjournment – The motion is made to adjourn the meeting by Matthew Donnell and seconded by Margaret Taylor. All are in favor with no one opposed. The meeting is adjourned.
Optional Lunch and Afternoon Activity – 11:30 – 2:30
Looking Ahead:
● February Board Meeting – February 13