BOD Meeting Minutes – August 11, 2015
ABS 7th Street Building
Winston-Salem, NC
Tuesday August 11th, 2015
In Attendance: Robin Hollis, Brittany Embry, Eric Prior, Heather Smith, Lindsay Deibler, Kevin Nunley, Doug Punger, Michelle Lawrence, Joan Marie Belnap, Paige Raper, Michelle Lawrence, Leigh Cameron Atkins, Renee Semones, Amy Lanning, Emily Ball
- Meeting Called to Order – 5:45PM – Meeting was called to order at 5:45 by Heather Smith.
- Approval of May and June Minutes – ACTION REQUIRED – 5:45-5:47PM – May minutes were approved via e-mail vote in June.
- Review of Actions from June and July– 5:47-5:55PM – 2015-2016 budget and new board members and officers were approved by e-mail vote. No action is required at this time. July e-mail vote approved Emily Ball as a new board member. Alex Ewing is renewing for another three-year cycle. Bill Wright has cycled off the board but will participate in committee work.
- Principal’s Report (Robin) – 5:55-6:20PM – 20-day count for enrollment. We are currently enrolling 517 students and the budget is built based on 511 students. There is a waiting list at every grade level. We feel confident that we will have full enrollment for the start of school. The state budget has not been approved. We review the budget in October and adjust according to the state budget and hiring. Another brick was thrown through a kindergarten window. We have talked with police officers, district attorney, etc. and have not found a way to deter. Eric Prior asks what would happen if we choose not to press charges and the officer said he would likely come back until we do. We may be approaching the time when we need a new fix for those front windows. There was some flooding in five classrooms after a flood in December of the first year. During heavy rain the water rushes under the exterior door and down the hallways into classrooms. We replaced carpet in 5 classrooms but the drainage in the courtyard is a work in process. It is a costly fix but we are ready to open school. Doug Punger asks if we should claim it on insurance. Kevin Nunley asks if we have a total cost on the flood repair. That information isn’t immediately available but can be found. Doug reminds us that this is water intrusion. Lindsey asks if there is a discount on the carpet. There was some talk on a different flooring material but it is hard on teachers to stand on tile and concrete. Dismissal tents: In the afternoon when children come out there are temporary tents they sit under. We take the covers off the frames until we need them. It is labor intensive. How do we cover children and keep them safe? We brought in a Costco carport that we liked but it did not come with engineered plans to submit to the city for permits. They would need to be able to withstand 90 mph winds. We found a great design we liked with corrugated metal roof and the cost was $5000 for each tent and we need 6 of them. We don’t want to do anything too permanent while we decide on a theater space. We will continue to use the temporary tents until a better idea comes along. Kevin Nunley shared that the theater committee met and looked at some places with two theater experts from School of the Arts. We considered using our basement space, renovating the existing backspace to a black box theater, renovating half of the courtyard space, and also nearby local space. The last option might need some sort of partnership with someone else to help with cost and keep it in use enough to make it worth it. Robin Hollis mentioned that in the time before something happens we may consider an amphitheater type space. Heather Smith says it’s smart not to make any permanent decisions with dismissal until we decide about the theater space. Robin says it’s the first step to figure out which way to go and then how much does it cost, and then how to get funding. Parking is an issue. The code requires a certain amount of spaces. Teachers arrived back to school with “the blues”. We allowed each teacher team to write a blues song. A reporter from Triad City Beat was here to see it and will come back for the interview on Thursday. Tomorrow we will meet at SECCA, Thursday and Friday will be special visits. All teachers will have a chance to go to Sawtooth to make a berry bowl in a ceramics class.
- Review of July Financials (Renee) – ACTION REQUIRED 6:20-6:25PM We have had to make a few adjustments. It’s the first month of the year and we have a balanced budget. There is a deficit as there always is due to timing. Several things are purchased at the start of the year but will not be spent each month. Books, supplies, technology are all purchased up front. Motion to approve the July financials made by Leigh Cameron Atkins, seconded by Eric Prior and all are in favor with no one opposed. Motion carries.
- Approval of New Ten-Point Grading Scale – ACTION REQUIRED – 6:25-6:30PM – The state is now using a 10-point grading scale instead of a 7-point scale. We would like to change to be in line with everyone else. We only use letter/number grades beginning in 6th Leigh Atkins asks if the change at the state level is due to too many students failing. Motion to approve made by Leigh Cameron Atkins, seconded by Eric Prior. All are in favor and no opposed. This is not retroactive and does not affect grades from prior years.
- Approval of Faculty and Staff Roster – ACTION REQUIRED – 6:30-6:35PM – We knew about some open positions early on due to pregnancy and life changes. The middle school math teacher was a late notice need in July. It was difficult to find someone we are really excited about who would be a great fit on short notice. We found someone who is under contract with Guilford County and may be asked to stay there for 30 days before she is released from her contract. For the most part people are in the same roles as last year. Some changes to middle school music. Ashleigh Cooper will teach chorus and general music. Chloe Hayes will be teaching band. Peter Perret is stepping into a resident artist position and will continue to help with productions and conducting. Leigh Cameron Atkins asks if there is a way for her to find out about hiring needs. Robin Hollis says the way we usually find people is through Thursday Notes and word of mouth. Doug Punger mentions that a new 1st grade teacher, Kathie Fansler, ran for school board. Motion to approve the staff roster is made by Leigh Atkins, Doug Punger seconds; all are in favor, no opposed. Motion passes unanimously. Mrs. Hollis will bring forward the Spanish teacher hiring at the next meeting.
- Other Business – 6:35-6:40PM – Heather Smith sat in on a state meeting about board members. Some schools are really struggling with serious concerns and issues. Heather thanks everyone for his/her talent and expertise that keeps our board running. Celebrity chefs Lindsey Deibler and Heather Smith will host a fundraiser at Five Points on Wednesday August 26th. 15% of all sales will go to ABS. The restaurant does this every month and has sent proceeds to the Symphony, etc. This info will be sent out to families and parents. It will be a fun night so please join us. Bylaws state that no more than 30% of the board can be parents. We are above that number now and need some non-parent board members. We don’t currently have an artist on the board. That voice is important and may not be currently represented. This should be on the September meeting agenda. Emily Ball asks about the need for a graphic designer/web designer. We talked about architects, HR experience, diversity, marketing. We can have up to 24 board If you have any names and ideas, please send them to Robin and Heather.
- Adjournment – 6:40PM – The meeting is adjourned at 7:03.
Looking Ahead:
○ NEXT Board Meeting – Tuesday September 8th