BOD Meeting Minutes- May 12, 2020
Virtual Meeting due to COVID Pandemic
Winston-Salem, NC
Tuesday May 12, 2020
In Attendance:
Kyle Barnes | |
Kelly Emling | x |
Brian Cole | |
Amber Dalholt | x |
Brittany Emery | x |
Chris Gilmore | x |
Tomisha Gladman | x |
Chrissy Davis Hardy | x |
Ellen Heck | x |
Cheryl Hicks | |
Jennifer Holman | x |
Michelle Kennedy Taylor | |
Charlie McCurry | |
Griff Morgan | x |
Dani Parker Moore | |
Kevin Nunley | x |
Lara Hanes-Pierce | x |
April Ruffin-Adams | x |
Bill Scheidt | x |
Suzanne Shuford | x |
Dara Silver | x |
Margaret Taylor | x |
Julia Toone |
Also In Attendance: Robin Hollis, Paige Raper, Mary Siebert, Kathie Fansler, Becky Dickson
- Meeting Called to Order – 5:45pm – Meeting called to order
- Roll Call for Attendance (Paige)
- Approval of April Minutes – ACTION REQUIRED – Motion by Lara Hanes Pierce, seconded by Amber Dalholt. All are in favor with no one opposed. The April minutes are approved.
- Review of April Financial Results (Brittany) – ACTION REQUIRED – April financials are on track. There is some COVID money coming in. Revenue was about $4,067,000 and expenses were about $4,042,000. Net surplus of $24,000. We’re received pledges plus donations of $197,000 – $91,000 in net for capital campaign. Motion to approve by Tomisha Gladman and seconded by Margaret. Taylor. All are in favor with no one opposed. The financials are approved.
- Approval of ’20-’21 Budget – ACTION REQUIRED – No changes since last meeting when we showed the draft. Griff asks where we come out next year. We will get some funds from the ABSSO to balance the budget. It also includes using $200,000 of the capital campaign funds (approved last month) for the second phase of courtyard construction. We are keeping ADM funding the same. Lara Hanes Pierce asks what the backup plan would be if we don’t raise money due to COVID. Ellen Coble is watching the fundraising community closely but it is on pause until the timing is right in our community to ask for support. Ellen Heck asks if Ellen Coble could give some information on what has come in and what we have heard regarding fundraising. We can invite Ellen Coble and put together a report before the next meeting. Motion to approve the budget made by April Ruffin Adams. Chris Gilmore seconds. All in favor with no one opposed. The budget is approved. 990 – Informational return. It requires a signature. Brittany will sign it.
- Committee Updates – Various –
- Diversity and Inclusion – Dara Silver – the committee has not been able to meet.
- Marketing – Ellen Heck reports that Courtney Cashin is working on the website with Edlio. It’s up to us at school when we want to launch the new website. By the beginning of next year it should be fine.
- Facilities – Kevin Nunley – No news since the last meeting. Still working on getting started on the second phase of courtyard construction.
- Fundraising – Kelly Emling reports we have $8000 of the music tech program but still need additional funds. If anyone has any ideas on raising the rest, please let us know. We haven’t yet discovered any grants that are applicable to it.
- Nominating – Slate of officers proposed by the committee: Chair – Ellen Heck, Vice Chair – Dara Silver, Secretary – Chris Gilmore, Treasurer – Kyle Barnes. The nominations come from committee. All are in favor and no one opposed. The slate of officers is approved.
- Principal’s Report (Robin) – Schools are still closed, teachers still providing remote learning through the end of the school year. We will provide a narrative report and virtual conferences for end of school year. EOG testing has been suspended. Looking for approval to submit Title I and II IDEA grants. Motion made by Tomisha Gladman and seconded by Ellen Heck. All in favor with no one opposed. The grant submissions are approved. We are working on a graduation video since we can’t gather for the 8th grade graduation. Margaret Taylor, Kevin Nunley, and Cheryl Hicks, we thank you for your help and service. You have seen us through water in the buildings and the first expansion. We will still call upon you for your expertise. Thank you! Margaret Taylor asks about summer camp. We are watching what other camps do and what the guidelines are during the summer. Becky Dickson says an online camp model would be helpful for some parents.
- Parent Council Updates – Becky Dickson reports that PC will wait until we return to school to hold PC board elections. There is some request for a virtual PC meeting. We may get a lot of questions that we simply can’t answer yet. There has been no decision on whether or not to have a Zoom PC meeting.
- Other Business – Mary Siebert reports that the 6th grade films were completed filming before schools closed and they have been edited. They will be available on May 22nd. There are three different films and they are very entertaining. Griff thanks everyone for coming to the meeting during a busy time.
- Adjournment – 6:45pm – Motion to adjourn made by Dara Silver and seconded by April Ruffin-Adams. All in favor and the meeting is adjourned.
Looking Ahead:
- Board Meeting – June 9