BOD Meeting Minutes – September 10, 2013
ABS 7th Street Building
Winston-Salem, NC
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Members: Gayle Anderson, Mary Benton, Renee Semones, Leigh Atkins, Brooks Jones, Doug Punger, Robin Hollis, Frank Wood, Eric Prior, Heather Smith, Kathie Goliszek, Bill Wright
Guests: Paige Raper
Meeting Called to Order – Meeting called to order by Eric Prior at 5:52. Mary Benton introduced new board member Kathie Goliszek. She is an administrator for Carolina Urological. Kathie has been associated with the arts in Winston-Salem for some time. She was on the board at Piedmont Craftsmen. She brings expertise on HR and finance. Thank you for joining us. Eric welcomes her on behalf of the board
Approval of August 2013 Minutes – Doug Punger moved to approve last month’s minutes, Brooks approved, Leigh abstained because she wasn’t at the meeting.
- Written Committee Report Questions/Discussion –
Principal’s Report September 2013 Board Meeting
School Operations
- 20th day is Sept 18. ADM funding is determined by the average number of students enrolled during the first 20 days.
- Currently serving 451 students.
- Both buildings operations running smoothly.
This report was sent prior to the meeting.
Student Achievement
1.Beginning of Grade Test: Paper/Pencil test administered to all 3rd graders on Sept 9. New requirement by NCDPI
2. mClass Reading Testing Required by State- K-3rd grade. New requirement by NCDPI
3. MAP (Measures of Academic Progress)
- Computer test administered to 3rd-6th grades, 3 times a year
- Assesses math, reading, language arts and science
- Provides data to teachers and parents on student achievement and progress
Charter Renewal
Our current charter expires June 30, 2015. We have received the Charter Renewal application and self-assessment documents from the Office of Charter School. The Self Assessment will be completed and submitted by December 6, 2013.
Discussion: Mary Benton asked about charter renewal – how long will the renewal last? Robin replied that we request a length of time and suggests we request a ten-year renewal period. We are with 20 other charters up for renewal. Can be renewed for up to 10 years. We are required to do a self-study. Robin worked on the last renewal and is familiar with the process. The self-study is taken on by a group. Robin and Paige will do most of the writing. This is due on December 6th. We will know by Dec 30th is there is a problem with reports that come in (financial, etc.). There is now a fee of $500-$1000 to renew. There will be a site visit where parents meet, teachers meet and administrators meet. Gayle reminded the board that June Atkinson was happy to send a letter vouching for the school. Robin says the process is straightforward. Eric asked if we know how many charters there might be now that the cap is removed. Robin said the Charter School Advisory Council has been formed to help process charter applications and there could be many. NC Leadership Academy opened. Mary Benton asked if we still have a waiting list? Robin said we do. Brooks asked what happens if someone leaves. Robin said it creates a spot for the lottery.
AIG Plan
We continue to develop and draft local AIG plan for submission to the State in October.
Some main points from the plan:
- We would identify students for the AIG program based on MAP and EOG test scores.
- Students would continue to be placed in heterogeneous classrooms.
- There would be an AIG-licensed teacher at each grade level beginning at 2nd grade.
- All students would be grouped on a prescribed schedule for a specific amount of minutes each week so that the AIG-Licensed teacher(s) would serve AIG students.
- AIG students would need to have a written plan (often called a DEP-differentiated education plan) outlining their services. Parents must be given the option to meet once a year to review the plan.
- There will be an annual meeting for parents to outline the program, answer questions, etc.
- The entire staff will participate in some PD regarding AIG students.
Discussion: Mary asked if we have an AIG program. Robin replied that we’re moving towards that. The state is allowing charter schools to identify and serve children. Leigh asked if we would follow the WSFCS plan. Robin replied they have their own local plan and we want to serve students following our philosophy. A draft of the plan for the board to review will be available prior to next month’s meeting.
- Approval of Compensation Philosophy
Everyone received a copy of a draft of a compensation policy prior to the meeting. It was suggested that a section be added about external competitiveness. SLT suggested we add consideration of advanced degrees. If we provide that we will be ahead of the state systems that have already eliminated pay for advanced degrees. Mary asked if this document relates to full time teachers? Substitutes? Artists in residence? Robin replied that substitutes and artists in residence are different line items in the budget and this document pertains to teachers. Doug reminded everyone that it’s a philosophy not a prescriptive policy. We’re trying to provide a basis for decision-making. Doug suggests adding external competitiveness to item 2C. Robin reminded everyone that this document doesn’t speak about procedures such as intent letters. Frank said if we do what WSFCS can’t do which is pay for advanced degrees, we can compete for teachers using a new handicap and there might be a large backlash from the community at large. Gayle reminded everyone that we have (for several years) paid more than the local school system. Frank asked what we are saying to the larger population if we endorse this legislation to the detriment of other local schools. Eric reminded everyone that this is a philosophy and general guiding document. We will take the budget and all other factors into consideration each year when budgeting for salaries. Doug said some people are studying a performance-based pay system that they feel may be the panacea. This has not been created yet. Robin said the suggestion about advanced degrees is about honoring education. We compete on many levels for teachers – not just money.
Doug made a motion to pass the philosophy with the addition of external competitiveness. Leigh said she is not sure what she wants to say. 10 members voted to pass. Leigh abstained from the vote. Motion passes.
- Update on Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Discussion: Everyone should have received an e-mail invitation to the ribbon cutting. Mayor Joines is attending, along with our representative from the DPI charter school office. The event is September 19th at 1:00. Mary asked how we will handle overflow parking? Robin said there is no plan in place at this time. Perhaps all staff can park at the gravel lot. We can inquire with Mudpies since the event is in the middle of the day. Mailchimp was used to send almost 600 invitations. Mailchimp is free to anyone using a list less than 2000. A media advisory will go out. The event should last about 15 minutes.
- Other Business
Eric reported that there is a new pick-up procedure in the afternoon and it’s taking longer than it did last year. Robin said once we have stripes painted in the lot, we can get teachers parking in good spots and reminded everyone that the city transport professionals said this is the safest and fastest way to dismiss students. Arrival and dismissal procedures will be discussed at the Parent Council meeting on September 20th.
Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 6:42pm.
Next full Board meeting TUESDAY October 8th @ 5:45PM…
Looking Ahead:
○ Next Board Meeting; Tuesday October 8, 5:45PM
○ Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, Thursday, Sept 19, 1PM
ABS 7th St Building