BOD Meeting Minutes – November 12, 2013
ABS 7th Street Building
Winston-Salem, NC
Tuesday, November 12, 2013.
Members: Robin Hollis, Brooks Jones, Charles Cleveland, Amy Lanning, Eric Prior, Damion Massey, JaFonda Johnson, Julee Nunley, Gayle Anderson, Doug Punger, Frank Wood, Leigh Cameron Atkins, Hal Johnson, Renee Semones, Bill Wright
Guests: Liz Green
- Meeting Called to Order – 5:45PM
Eric called the meeting to order at 5:45pm.
- Approval of October 2013 Minutes – ACTION REQUIRED – 5:45-5:47
Frank made a motion to approve the minutes. Doug seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Review of EOG statistics (Robin) – 5:47-6:05PM
Robin reviewed EOG results from 2012-13. The results were delayed because the state completely overhauled testing to align with new curriculum. Robin distributed graphs of state scores, Forsyth County scores, and ABS scores. 44% of students in the state were proficient on EOGs. 42% of Forsyth County students were proficient on EOGs. 62.6% of ABS students were proficient on EOGs. We are also ahead of the state and county on subgroups, such as students with disabilities and economically disadvantaged students. Robin excitedly reported that ABS students “exceeded expected growth.” Composite score means you passed all of the tests that they took (Reading, Math, Science/5th).
- Written Committee Report Questions/Discussion 6:05-6:15PM
SLT report – November 2013 The School Leadership Team has discussed the following:
• New mClass reading assessments being administered to students in grades K-3 – We are brainstorming ways to help teachers get the benchmark testing done in January with minimal disruptions to the classes.
• Test result data from MAP testing and mClass assessment – Our students continue to do well when compared with the MAP national norm group. mClass assessment data is being used to determine which students receive regular “progress monitoring” in certain skills.
• Charter renewal – SLT members will likely play a role in the charter renewal site visit next spring.
• Professional development – SLT is discussing the possibility of some teachers leading workshops for the staff on the subject of math.
Principal’s Report November 2013
Student Achievement-MAP Testing Beginning of Year
ABS Students continue to outperform the National Mean in both reading and math. This MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) is administered to students 3rd-7th grade three times a year to gauge academic program and identify areas of need.
Mathematics | National Mean (RIT) | ABS Mean (RIT) |
Third Grade | 192.1 | 194.1 |
Fourth Grade | 203.8 | 208.2 |
Fifth Grade | 219.6 | 220.6 |
Sixth Grade | 225.6 | 223.9 |
Seventh Grade | 225.6 | 230.2 |
Reading | National Mean (RIT) | ABS Mean (RIT) |
Third Grade | 189.9 | 197.3 |
Fourth Grade | 199.8 | 206.0 |
Fifth Grade | 207.1 | 213.5 |
Sixth Grade | 212.3 | 222.5 |
Seventh Grade | 216.3 | 226.1 |
2012-13 EOG Results
The State Board of Education released last year’s test results November 7. I will provide a detailed report of ABS EOG results at the November meeting.
Charter Renewal
ABS Charter renewal is due to the Office of Charter Schools on Dec. 6. ABS administrators and School Leadership Team are currently conducting and preparing the self study as part of the renewal process. We will be applying for a 10 year renewal effective July 2015. The self study is a comprehensive review of student test scores, education plan, exceptional children’s program, business plan (enrollment) and financial reporting, governance structure, teacher licensure and goals. The self study will be shared with the Board at the December meeting.
Upcoming Events…
Dancing Classroom Exhibition at Goler
Thu, November 14, 6pm – 8pm
ABS Fall Festival
Sat, November 16, 11am – 2pm
7th Brundibar Performance
Wed, November 20, 7pm – 8pm
Fall Break
Nov 25-29
ABS Holiday Party for Board and Staff
Sat, Dec 14 7pm
3rd – Renaissance Spectacles
Wed, December 18, 6pm – 7pm
Band Concert
Thu, December 19, 6pm – 7pm
Renee reviewed the financials. The amended budget was represented in the October financials. We are at 63% of total revenue. Eric noted that we are trying to keep Capital Campaign funding separate from operating. The financial committee discussed ways to keep operating and capital expenses separate. They are discussing ways for this to be coded properly and represented in financial report. Eric will talk with Acadia. Charles noted wanting a spreadsheet to see how we are doing with capital campaign pledges.
- Update on Capital Campaign (Joan Marie) – 6:15-6:20PM
Robin and Gayle gave an update on the capital campaign. The committee had a good meeting with Hanes Brand yesterday. A couple of grant foundation requests are still out. Gayle plans to compile a comparison of ABS test scores versus the state/county to show that our school performs better. We will apply for a $50,000 grant in January. We have launched the parent portion of capital campaign. There are 18 window grills which can be named for families that give at least $3,000. The committee is still trying to identify other donors who are not yet affiliated with a school that would be interested in ABS. Our consultant contract ends in December, so the rest will be up to us. BB&T, Reynolds, Winston-Salem Foundation have given us great support. Now we are looking for many more donors. Gayle suggested having a discussion at the January retreat about other possible donors. We have a goal of $50,000 for parent giving. Robin wants the plan of action to be completed before the contract with Whitney Jones is completed.
- Other Business – 6:25-6:30PM
Doug asked personnel committee to get with him to schedule a time to review the process of principal evaluation.
Robin noted that the ABS holiday party will be in the middle school building on December 14th. Board members need to bring wine. Teachers will bring side dishes.
- Adjournment – 6:35PM
Eric adjourned the meeting at 6:30pm.
Next full Board meeting TUESDAY December 10th @ 5:45PM.
Looking Ahead:
○ 7th grade performance of “Brundibar” on November 20th
○ Next Board Meeting; Tuesday December 9th, 5:45PM
○ ABS Staff/Board Holiday Party; December 14
○ Board annual planning session; (tentative) morning of 1/18/14