BOD Meeting Minutes-July 14, 2020
Virtual Meeting due to COVID Pandemic
Winston-Salem, NC
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
In Attendance:
Kyle Barnes |
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Kelly Emling |
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Brian Cole |
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Amber Dalholt |
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Brittany Emery |
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Chris Gilmore |
Tomisha Gladman |
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Chrissy Davis Hardy |
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Ellen Heck |
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Jennifer Holman |
Michelle Kennedy Taylor |
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Shannon Meares |
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Charlie McCurry |
Griff Morgan |
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Dani Parker Moore |
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Larry Barron |
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Lara Hanes-Pierce |
April Ruffin-Adams |
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Bill Scheidt |
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Suzanne Shuford |
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Dara Silver |
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Julia Toone |
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Also In Attendance: Robin Hollis, Paige Raper, Mary Siebert, Kathie Fansler, Becky Dickson, Courtney Cashin, Ashley Brady, Melissa Kelly, Marviette Usher, Trish Goldberg, Ceci McGuire, Ellen Coble
- The meeting of the Board of Directors of The Arts Based School (ABS) was called to order at 5:55 p.m. on July 14, 2020 by Chairman Ellen Heck. The meeting agenda is included with these minutes.
- Ellen Heck introduced new Board members Shannon Meares and Larry Barron. Board members welcomed and thanked them for agreeing to serve.
- Ellen Heck asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes of the June 9, 2020 Board meeting. Griff Morgan made a motion to approve the minutes as written, Amber Dalholt seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
- Kyle Barnes, Treasurer, stated that the financial reports will be reviewed at the August meeting of the Board.
- Ellen Coble, Director of Development, reported on the capital campaign status, discussions with Whitney Jones and Scott Wierman and meetings with the Winston-Salem Foundation staff member, April Durr who is Campaign Coordinating Committee (CCC) Secretary. April, after consulting the CCC, has removed the ABS capital campaign from the May 2020 calendar and asked that we reapply for a position on the calendar for 2022-2023. The application is in process and will be submitted this month.
Ellen also reported about fundraising for the music technology program and related equipment that needs to be in place in the middle school this coming fall. Challenges to fundraising include- Confusion or conflicts with capital campaign,
- Level of urgency considering the massive process ahead of ABS administrators to open in August,
- Timing of music room construction,
- Fundraising is currently extremely difficult and sometimes inappropriate for organizations outside health and human services.
- Questions and discussion followed. Brian Cole stated that that, except for the COVID virus and the chaos surrounding it, music technology education is more critical than ever. Others joined in discussion with the consensus being that any program around music and the arts that allows children to express themselves, especially now, is compelling and could make a good case for support.
- Becky Dickson commented that the Parent Council is supportive of this program for middle school.
- Ellen Heck called on Courtney Cashin for a Communications report. Courtney has spent countless hours on the new website development. Courtney reported that, hopefully, the new site will be live by July 17.
- Ellen Heck asked for reports from any other committees.
- Griff Morgan, Strategic Planning chairman, said the committee had not met in several months due to more pressing issues for the school.
- Griff Morgan, Nominations Committee, made a motion to nominate Ellen Coble to serve on the ABS Board of Directors. As she is currently on sabbatical from her position as ABS Development Director, Ellen wants to stay involved with the ABS and continue to serve development efforts on a volunteer basis. The motion was seconded by Brian Cole. Ellen Heck asked for discussion and, hearing none, asked for a vote. The motion carried unanimously.
- April Ruffin-Adams reported that the Diversity and Inclusion Committee had not been active recently but is getting back to work and will have a report in August.
- Principal Robin Hollis presented the principal’s report with the following items:
- Relative to the budget, there are now 529 students enrolled, although there is a bit of uncertainty due to decisions that parents must make. August 19, 2020 is scheduled to be the first day of school.
- In an item of business Robin asked for approval of the Staff and Faculty Roster. Brian Cole motioned to approve the Staff and Faculty Roster, Dara Silver seconded, and the motion was approved unanimously.
- Teachers report to school on August 10 for one and a half weeks of professional development training. The training will be offered both virtually and at the school so that teachers can choose based on their level of social distancing comfort.
- Teachers will be doing special visits with families and students this year and the guidelines for social distancing will be followed.
- Governor Cooper announced his plan for fall reopening of schools this afternoon. ABS plans to implement Plan B, offering both in classroom (using A and B days) and Plan C, virtual/remote learning. The plan fits within the guidelines announced for North Carolina schools. Parents have been polled about their preferences as to remote/in person learning and their willingness for their child to wear a mask. Robin reported that 45% indicated preference for remote learning. Mask wearing did not appear to be an issue.
- Request for approval for funding to upgrade the ventilation systems by adding an ionization system in both buildings. The expense for this is $25,000 for both buildings; funds are available in the reserve account. Griff Morgan motioned for approval; Michelle Kennedy seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved. The systems will be installed before school opens.
- Request for approval to upgrade connectivity to support increased technology needs due to remote learning. The cost is $40,500 and will be set up on a 60 month lease with a monthly payment. This expense will be rolled into the technology budget. Tomisha Gladman motioned for approval; April Ruffin-Adams seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved.
- Robin asked for any other questions. There was some discussion about the plans for school reopening.
- Becky Dickson reporting for Parent Council, said that the Council is supportive of school leadership and all they have done to make sure ABS education for children carries on as normally as possible within state guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Becky asked for input on how the Parent Council can best support families, teachers or leaders with the challenging new processes required for school opening. Becky told the Board that she will serve another year as Co-Chair of the Parent Council.
- Ellen Heck asked for other business. She brought up the ABS representative as Treasurer on the ABSSO Board of Directors. After several questions and discussion, members agreed that the ABS Board Finance Committee Chair should serve as Treasurer on the ABSSO Board. Griff Morgan requested that Ellen Coble also be nominated to serve on the ABSSO Board. Brian Cole made a motion to nominate Kyle Barnes and Ellen Coble to serve on the ABSSO Board of Directors; Griff Morgan seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved.
- With no other business for discussion, Ellen Heck requested a motion to adjourn. April Ruffin-Adams motioned to adjourn; Michelle Kennedy seconded. With all in favor, the meeting was adjourned by Ellen Heck at 6:58pm.
NEXT MEETING is August 11, 2020 5:45pm
Minutes Prepared by Ellen Coble