Board Meeting Minutes Archive » BOD Meeting Minutes – October 13, 2015

BOD Meeting Minutes – October 13, 2015


ABS 7th Street Building

Winston-Salem, NC

Tuesday, October 13th, 2015

In Attendance: Robin Hollis, Margaret Taylor, Kevin Nunley, Eric Prior, Brittany Emery, Paige Raper, Michelle Lawrence, Joan Marie Belnap, Heather Smith, Emily Ball, Doug Punger, Laura Luykx, Amy Lanning, Kelly Carswell, Chad Cleveland, Kate Channis,


  1. Meeting Called to Order 5:45PM – Meeting was called to order at 5:50. Heather Smith welcomed Kelly Carswell to the board meeting.
  2. Approval of September 2015 Minutes – ACTION REQUIRED 5:45-5:47PM  Margaret Taylor makes a motion, Eric Prior seconds the motion, all are in favor with no opposed. The September 2015 minutes are approved.
  3. Review of September Financials (Renee) 5:47-5:55PM Eric Prior reviewed the financials this month. In most categories the percent remaining is near 75% where we should be. Some areas like textbooks and supplies are front-loaded and we spend most at the start of the year. Most of what is in the checking account is reserve funds and that should possibly be moved to savings. Margaret Taylor asks if we ever invest any of these funds. Eric says that would be for the finance committee to discuss. There is risk involved. CDs and savings is the best situation right now. Eric wants to talk about reserves and explore the idea of a foundation. A lot of the benefits are financial. Heather says we have only had this kind of reserves in the last few years. Eric says we haven’t set a dollar amount on reserves but we want to be prepared. Robin Hollis reminds everyone that the state didn’t create a budget until very late this year so Renee Semones is working on amending the budget based on the new ADM. School Report Card is also moved to December based on the state. Michelle Lawrence asks about the finding in Washington State that charter schools are unconstitutional. Doug Punger says he hasn’t seen anything in NC that is going in that direction.
  4. Principal’s Report (Robin) 5:55-6:30PM

Nepotism Policy ACTION REQUIRED – We updated this to be in line with the state requirements but they have been loosened so if we want to change it and vote, we can. This deals directly with board of directors’ membership. Our current policy meets the standard but if we want to consider the policy that was rewritten two weeks ago, we can. Eric Prior asks for clarification. Robin Hollis says Neil Foster has never served on our board because he is our landlord. The policy draft was sent vie e-mail prior to the meeting. Chad Cleveland makes the motion to approve, Kevin Nunley seconds the motion. All are in favor and none opposed so the policy is approved.

Snow Day Makeup Policy ACTION REQUIRED – This has already been discussed in prior meetings and was sent via e-mail prior to the meeting. Chad Cleveland makes the motion to approve, Kevin Nunley seconds the motion. All are in favor and none opposed so the policy is approved.

License Renewal Plan  ACTION REQUIRED – This was sent via e-mail prior to the meeting. Chad Cleveland makes the motion to approve, Doug Punger seconds the motion. All are in favor and no one opposed so the motion passes.

Mrs. Hollis reminds board member that the 7th graders will perform Brundibar on Thursday. Brundibar is a Czech folk tale. The composer was at Terezin and he smuggled in the score. He staged the opera with children and it was used as propaganda. The students understand the folk tale and then the story in context.

  1. Vote on Prospective New Board Members ACTION REQUIRED 6:30-6:35PM – Former board member who moved away – Debbie Linville was at HPU and her family relocated. She is now at Salem College in the EDU dept. Andrew Rogers, director of River Run Film Festival. He has served before as a leader at Community Creates. Both our 6th and 8th graders work on film project. These are both non-parents. Mrs. Hollis explains that our board bylaws state that 30% or less of our board need to be non-parents. While voting for Debbie Linville Chad makes the motion to approve, Laura Luykx seconds the motion, all are in favor so the motion passes. While voting for Andrew Rogers, Kevin Nunley makes the motion to approve, Brittany Emery seconds the motion and all are in favor. The motion passes.
  2. Facilities Group Report (Kevin) 6:35-6:40PM – The group has met a few times. There was an intro organizational meeting and a meeting about renovating the current backspace. This is not a separate large theater project. Discussions are going well. Kevin would like to have something to the board to vote on next month. Keith Wilson is an architect parent working with us. He suggested building a visual master plan that fits in with our strategic plan. He will do this because he has the expertise. This will help us come up with priorities on where we want to go. Sub-topics include: the apartment complex being built on the corner of Chestnut and MLK which will create more traffic and possible parking changes, theater space other than the back space that can house a full parent group (mid-sized), dismissal procedures becoming more permanent and possibly using the basement floor of the building, front garden at MLK as an attractive barrier, more space for the 7th Street building, courtyard surface changes or change of use of space.
  3. Parent Council Report (Lindsay/Michelle) 6:40-6:45PM – Lindsay Deibler reported on $700 as the money raised during the dinner at 5 Points, the book fair raised over $6500 in Scholastic dollars to buy books. Parent Council has amended their by-laws so the annual giving co-chairs will become 2 two-year positions that roll off on alternating years. Other officer positions will remain one-year positions. Paige Raper gave a summary of the homework policy and updated practices at the Parent Council meeting.
  4. Other Business 6:45-6:50PM – Margaret Taylor commends Heather Smith on a great night at 5 Points. There was a lot of community building. Heather said it was a lot of fun. Fall Fest on October 24th from 12-3 in the 7th St courtyard.
  5. Adjournment 6:50PM – Meeting is adjourned at 6:40.




○      Tuesday, November 10, 2015

○      Tuesday, December 8, 2015

○      Saturday December 12, 2015 Board/Staff Holiday Social

○      Saturday, January 16, 2016  Annual Board Retreat