BOD Meeting Minutes – July 17th, 2014
ABS 7th Street Building
Winston-Salem, NC
Thursday, July 17th, 2014.
IN ATTENDANCE: Eric Prior, Robin Hollis, Michelle Lawrence, Joan Marie Belnap, Paige Raper, Bill Wright, Kevin Nunley, Doug Punger, Frank Wood, Heather Smith
- Meeting Called to Order – 5:45PM – Meeting called to order at 5:48. Eric introduced a new board member – Kevin Nunley. Kevin works at First Tennessee Bank and has two children at ABS. Eric announced that everyone is happy to have him as a member of the board.
- Approval of June 2014 Minutes – ACTION REQUIRED – 5:45-5:47PM – There was not a quorum so there was no motion to pass the minutes.
- Principal’s Report (Robin) – 5:47-6:00PM – Staffing/Hiring 2014-15 School Year
We have filled all classroom teaching positions.
Liz Green has been hired to be the new part time Curriculum Coordinator. She will work closely with teachers to support them on aligning and delivering the ABS curriculum. I’m excited to have this new position for the school, and thrilled to have Liz in this role.
Hannah Jarvis has been hired to fill the first grade position left open by Mrs. Green. Hannah has recently relocated from Irving, TX. She has been teaching 3 years in both Texas and New York. She is licensed K-6 and EC. She has experience in 3rd grade and 1st grade.
Keri Sankey has been hired for the second grade team. Keri has been teaching for three years, mostly recently third grade in Burlington, NC. She is licensed in K-6 elementary education.
Alysha Christian has been hired for the third grade team. Alysha has been teaching fifth grade for three years in High Point and is a graduate of High Point University. She is licensed in K-6 elementary education.
Tiffany Parris has been hired for the kindergarten team. Tiffany has been at ABS many years and worked in many different roles. She has completed her teaching degree and will now serve as a lead teacher in kindergarten.
Kimberly Dickson will be teaching 7th/8th grade Science at ABS. Mrs. Dickson is a veteran teacher with 11 years experience. She has a Master’s Degree in Education and is certified K-6, Middle School Science/Math and Academically Gifted.
Elizabeth Gledhill will be joining the ABS staff to teach visual art for 5th-8th graders. She recently completed her Master’s degree at Salem College and is licensed in K-12 Art.
Nick Zayas- 5th – 8th grade students will be studying theater with our new drama teacher, Mr. Zayas. He is a graduate of the UNCSA drama school and the USC School of Dramatic Arts. An accomplished stage and film actor, Mr. Zayas will teach acting for film, audition and interview techniques, Shakespeare, and more. (Miss Heidi will continue to work with K – 4 and combat choreography.
Leni Fragakis current third grade teacher has begun her internship in Educational Administration. She will be working throughout the summer and school year with both Paige Raper and Principal Hollis.
Alexis Long is completing her Masters of Education Degree in School Counseling at Salem College. She will be doing an internship at ABS for the 2014-15 school year with our school counselor, Amanda Sullivan. Ms. Long is also a parent of an incoming kindergarten student.
Curriculum Updates
Advanced and intermediate Band
Students in 7th and 8th grades will be blended and divided into two levels for band instruction, providing greater challenges for advanced students and more support for developing musicians. More sectionals rehearsals, more assistance in band, and longer rehearsal periods at the upper levels will give this program a creative boost and allow for more integration with other subjects.
7th and 8th Grade Electives
7th and 8th graders will choose from menu of cool short-term electives, allowing them to explore topics of interest in the arts and innovation.
Schedule Changes
Beginning in 2014-15, all students in the MLK building will be dismissed at 2:30. Students in the 7th St building will be dismissed at 2:45. Younger students that have siblings in the 7th St building will remain in sibling gallery until 2:45 and be dismissed with their older sibling. This change will help equalize the number of students being picked up and facilitate an efficient and safe afternoon dismissal. Procedures in the car line will remain the same.
Facility Updates
Installation of lighting and sound upgrades for the MLK back space will begin Monday, July 21. These improvements are part of the Capital Campaign budget to upgrade the theater space in the MLK building.
- AIG program update – Paige Raper reported that although we have received word from DPI that our local AIG plan has been approved pending one edit, we have not received anything official letting us know what needs to be changed. Because it is so close to the start of the new year, we will put the plan on hold until we receive an official response from DPI. Several teachers have earned their AIG teaching license and may wish to pilot some projects or group work in anticipation of a future AIG program.
- Approval of New Board Members & Officers – ACTION REQUIRED – 6:00-6:05PM –There were not enough members for a quorum so there was no motion to approve.
- Other Business – 6:05-6:15PM – Doug Punger – The personnel committee did a lot of great work using the state rating system to evaluate Robin Hollis. Overall she was “accomplished”, which is the highest rating level possible. Doug now needs login information to upload the evaluation data to the state system. A copy has gone into Robin’s personnel file and the committee has a copy of that evaluation.
- Adjournment – 6:15PM – The meeting was adjourned at 6:18.