Board Meeting Minutes Archive » BOD Meeting Minutes – September 9th, 2014

BOD Meeting Minutes – September 9th, 2014

ABS 7th Street Building

Winston-Salem, NC

Tuesday September 9th, 2014.

In attendance: Kevin Nunley, Eric Prior, Robin Hollis, Alex Ewing, Paige Raper, Laura Luykx, Leigh Atkins, Leni Fragakis, Sherell McArthur, Heather Smith, Amy Lanning, Joan Marie Belnap, Michelle Lawrence, Doug Punger, Margaret Taylor, Christine England


  1. Meeting Called to Order – 5:45PM – Eric called the meeting to order at 5:48.
  2. Approval of August 2014 Minutes – ACTION REQUIRED – 5:45-5:47PM Motion made by Doug Punger. Motion seconded by Alex Ewing, (Leigh abstains because she didn’t attend the last meeting). Motion passes unanimously,
  3. Principal’s Report including review of Snow-Day Policy (Robin) – 5:47-6:10PM

20th day is Sept 17. The average number of students enrolled during the first 20 days determines ADM funding. We are currently serving 511 students. Both building operations are running smoothly.


Student Achievement

  1. Beginning of Grade Test is a paper/pencil test administered to all 3rd graders
  2. Class Reading Testing Required by State- K-3rd
  1. MAP (Measures of Academic Progress)
  • Computer test administered to 3rd graders on Sept 8.
  • Assesses math, reading, language arts and science
  • Provides data to teachers and parents on student achievement and progress


2013-14 EOG Results were released September 4 and will be presented during Board Meeting.

Robin reviewed EOG data from spring 2014. ABS scores above the state and the county in all grade levels and subject areas.

Margaret Taylor mentions that the school’s scores have increased significantly over the years we have been open. We should celebrate the increases over the long term. Heather Smith asks if the results affect funding in any way. Robin reports that it does not. Alex asks where NC is in relation to other states in student achievement. Doug reminds the board that the EOGs are state tests so you cannot use them to compare state to state. Eric asks if there is a way to share the information outside of our school community. Doug asks how we perform compared to other charter schools. Robin can pull that data.

Inclement Weather Policy for staff – Last year we missed 9 school days due to snow. Last year we did not make up days. We had more than enough hours to complete the school year. We missed nine days and still performed well but we still missed 9 days. SLT discussed how to handle this in the future. Robin reviewed the draft of the policy (SEE ATTACHED). Kevin asks if we still have enough hours in the year without making days up. Yes, we do. Robin says 9 days off is a lot. That is almost a whole unit of study at some grade levels in some subjects. We have always given grace for delays. We have not asked teachers to make up that time. Margaret suggests that we consider giving the principal discretion to “call it quits” when too many days have been missed (assuming we’re inside the required hours). Leigh likes the idea of adding make up days in the calendar earlier in the year. We will vote on this in October.

Review of August Financials (Renee) – 6:10-615PM – Renee reports that after August there is a positive variation of $104,000. We will need to adjust the budget and factor in the increase in retirement. There is also a change in local funding. We do have a healthy surplus that we call operating reserve. Robin reminds us that we front-load a lot of our spending early in the year (such as curriculum materials). We need to add in $40,000 because we don’t move the money every month. It is moved quarterly to be put in a money market account. Last year we ended with a very healthy operating reserve and we are well on our way to another year with an operating reserve.

Update on Capital Campaign (Joan Marie/Robin) – 6:15-6:20PM – There will be a capital campaign update next month. In short, we have $100,000 left to raise and have a grant application to go in. Heather asks if the second payments of three-year pledges have been coming in.

Eric announced that there has been talk about development on the gravel lot. This has been brought forward before and hasn’t materialized but Bill Wright will be forming a committee to look at nearby property.

Robin reviews the new board books for members. There are no committee lists yet but Charles will be organizing that. There is information on legal responsibilities, strategic plan, budget document as it is sent to the state, planning documents from the state, and board bylaws. The charter is not in yet because it is over 70 pages long. It is available on the website.

Adjournment – 6:50PM – Eric thanks everyone for his or her involvement in the school. The meeting was adjourned at 6:46.