BOD Meeting Minutes – February 10, 2015
ABS MLK Building
Winston-Salem, NC
Tuesday, February 10thth, 2015
Arts Based School Lottery – 5:45PM
ABS Board Meeting – 6:45PM
In attendance: Doug Punger, Christine England, Paige Raper, Heather Smith, Laura Luykx, Joan Marie Belnap, Bill Wright, Michelle Lawrence, Renee Semones, Chad Cleveland, Leigh Cameron Atkins, Frank Wood, Margaret Taylor, Charles Cleveland
- Meeting Called to Order – 6:45PM – Meeting is called to order at 6:45 by Heather Smith
- Approval of January 2015 Minutes – ACTION REQUIRED – 6:45-6:47PM Chad Cleveland makes the motion to approve, Charles Cleveland seconds the motion – all are in favor and no opposed. The motion passes and minutes are approved.
- Review of January Financials (Renee) – 6:47-6:55PM – We are in the 7th month of operation with a $143,000 positive variation. There is nothing big to point out. There is 40% of our budget still to go in revenue. We are right at 42% for expenses. We plan to finish the year at budget or better.
- Review and Approval of Audited Financial Statements- ACTION REQUIRED–6:55-7:05PM – We had a clean audit, no problems. Now they take the numbers that we provide and put them in a form that is a public document. Doug Punger was left off the board member list. Chad says we can vote on this with the note that Doug was omitted accidentally. Chad Cleveland makes the motion to approve, Renee Semones seconds the motion. All are in favor, no opposed. The financial statements are approved.
Principal’s Report (Robin and/or Paige) – 7:05-7:15PM – Paige Raper discussed the Principal’s Report.
Charter Renewal
The State Board of Education voted to renew the ABS Charter at their Feb 5, 2015 meeting. The renewed charter will be issued June 30, 2015 and will expire June 30, 2025.
Student Achievement-School Report Card 2013-14
The Report Cards are one of the state’s most comprehensive resources for information about student achievement, class size, school safety, school technology, and teacher quality at the school, district and state levels. The State delayed the release of the School Report Card this year due to new performance grades. ABS School Report Card is distributed to each family via Thursday Packets and available online. A copy of our School Report Card is attached and will be discussed at the February Board meeting and February Parent Council meeting.
School Lottery
The enrollment lottery is held annually on the second Tuesday of February. As of Feb 5th at 3pm (the application deadline this year) ABS received 433 total applications.
Applications by Grade:
First Grade-39
Second Grade-44
Third Grade-38
Fourth Grade-47
Fifth Grade- 27
Sixth Grade- 38
Seventh Grade-11
Eighth Grade-12
Teacher Training
ABS is hosting several student teachers from Salem College this semester.
Ms. Sysavath is working with Mrs. Campbell in third grade.
Ms. Espinoza is working with Ms. Cohen in second grade.
Mrs. Goldberg is working with Ms. McArthur in first grade.
School Calendar
2015-16 School Calendar is being developed and reviewed by staff and parents. Board will review and consider approval at March Board meeting.
Upcoming Events:
5th Romeo & Juliet performance
Wed and Thurs, March 4 and 5, 7pm – 8pm
- Breakout Sessions by Strategy Groups – 7:15-7:35PM – We have three strategy groups (Financial Stability, Buildings and Grounds, and Organizational Development). The large questions for tonight are: Who could serve in these groups? These are people that we may contact to serve as less of a commitment than board members. What are each group’s priority goals and who will work on those? The three strategy groups broke out and met.
- Sharing out from groups – Buildings and Grounds – ideas for who may serve: Neil Foster, architect Drew Gerstmayr, theatrical design background: Norman Coates, maintenance/grounds background: Mary Benton or someone from a property management group, someone with a construction background. The group’s priorities include coming up with a summary of our current status with regard to Buildings and Grounds, some research on theater space to bring to the board, what can we do with the current back of the school area?
Financial Stability – Work includes: budget for ‘15-‘16, annual fund, capital campaign, strategy for annual major gifts, formal policy on investment of annual reserve, business revenue exploration (franchise?)
Organizational development – discussion on community relations and partnerships, advisory members for technology (there are three parents who work on the website who may be able to help). Tech advisors might meet once or twice a year to help make long-term plans or decisions. Board development, community relations, and technology are the three main areas of focus.
- Other Business – 7:35-7:40PM – Eric Prior can no longer serve as chair. He has another commitment that is pressing. Doug Punger makes the motion that Heather Smith be elected to serve Eric’s unfulfilled term as chair through June. Joan Marie seconded the motion. All are in favor, no opposed so the motion is passed.
- Adjournment – 7:40PM – adjourned at 7:40.
Looking Ahead:
○ Community Creates! Saturday, May 2, 2015