BOD Meeting Minutes – December 10, 2013
ABS 7th Street Building
Winston-Salem, NC
Tuesday, December 10th, 2013.
Members: Brooks Jones, Doug Punger, Mary Benton, Alex Ewing, Renee Semones, Robin Hollis, Bill Wright, Eric Prior, Heather Smith, Chad Cleveland, Damion Massey, Amy Lanning
Guests: Liz Green, Paige Raper,
- Meeting Called to Order – 5:45PM
Eric called the meeting to order at 5:45pm.
- Approval of November 2013 Minutes – ACTION REQUIRED – 5:45-5:4PM
Chad made a motion to approve the minutes. Brooks seconded the motion. The November minutes were approved unanimously.
- Review of Charter Renewal submitted to the State (Robin) – 5:47-6:05PM
Robin reported that we have submitted our “Self Study” for our charter renewal, which is step one. We submitted information on student achievement, teacher licensure, our employee handbook, our bylaws, how we run the lottery, who nominates board members, etc. Our charter runs out in 2015. They will check with dpi that we are compliant on all required areas. They will give us feedback on what we have submitted, as well as come in the spring for a site visit. We asked for a 10 year renewal. Eric asked what areas are assessed for compliance and in what areas do they often find concerns in other schools. Robin responded: finances (not a clean audit), not enough teachers licensed, student achievement (following below standards), exceptional children (those with IEPs). She is not concerned that we will have an significant or concerning findings.
- Review of YTD financial statements (Renee) – 6:05-6:10PM
Renee reviewed updated financials (different from what was emailed last Friday). There was an excel clitch that showed an inaccurate deficit. We are at 50% of revenue, which is in line with where we should be. We are also in line with our expenses. We are at $106,000 positive variation. We pulled out capital campaign salaries and expenses. Mary B. asked about the $211,000 in reserve. It is included in P&L. Operating reserve doesn’t show up until the end of the year. We are running a deficit for this month, but that is due to timing, and is not an area of concern.
- Written Committee Report Questions/Discussion – 6:05-6:15PM
Committees reported. Brooks noted the Community Creates is the next big marketing project. Robin reported that 4 of ABS teachers achieved National Board Certification. We now have 6 National Board Certified teachers. Robin noted that she would like to propose a $1,000 bonus for each of the newly National Board Certified Teachers ($4,000 total). Doug made a motion to approve the bonuses. Eric seconded the motion. The board voted unanimously for Robin to give a bonus to the 4 newly NB certified teachers.
Principal’s Report November 2013 Board Meeting
Staffing Updates:
Hats off to Lenora McNamara (4th grade), LeeAnn Farrell (4th grade), Liz Green (1st grade), and Megan Sizemore (kindergarten) for completing National Board Certification! National Board Certification is an advanced teaching credential. As part of this process, teachers must analyze their teaching context and students’ needs, submit videos of their teaching, and provide student work samples that demonstrate growth and achievement. The reflective analyses that they submit must demonstrate:
1) A strong command of content;
2) The ability to design appropriate learning experiences that advance student learning;
3) The use of assessments to inform instructional decision making; and
4) Partnerships with colleagues, parents and the community.
Through this structured and iterative process, teachers expand and refine their content knowledge and pedagogy. The outcome is more powerful teaching that improves student achievement and reflects college and career readiness.
Visit to Ron Clark Academy
Mary Siebert and I spent a day at the Ron Clark Academy at the “Teacher’s Academy” in Atlanta, GA. Although our approach to education is quite different, the experience was exhilarating. We came back to ABS with new ideas and fresh inspiration. We will be sending the School Leadership Team to participate in the one day training in January.
Upcoming Events…
ABS Holiday Party for Board and Staff
Sat, Dec 14 7pm
3rd – Sink – Renaissance Spectacles
Tue, December 17, 12:15pm – 12:45pm
3rd – Fragakis – Renaissance Spectacles
Wed, December 18, 12:15pm – 12:45pm
3rd Nutcracker – performance starts 10:00
Thu, December 19, 9:30am – 12:30pm
Band Concert
Thu, December 19, 12pm – 1pm
3rd – Campbell – Renaissance Spectacles
Fri, December 20, 12:15pm – 12:45pm
Band Concert Thu, December 19, 6pm – 7pm
• December Parent Council Meeting: Friday, December 13th at 8:15am in the Teacher Resource Room of the MLK Building. All are welcome! Full agendas to be distributed Tuesday, December 10th.
• ABS Band Concert: Thursday, December 20th at 12:00pm – Come check out our budding musicians!
- Update on Capital Campaign (Joan Marie/ Gayle) – 6:15-6:20PM
Eric reported that Joan Marie has put a $50,000 request into another foundation. We have also acquired two potential corporate gifts of $20,000 each. Robin noted that we are not planning on renewing our contract with Amy for capital campaign. The contract was for 6 months, ending in December, and it will not be renewed. Mary B, asked about how much we have spent, which Renee noted is in the Capital Campaign pull out section on the finance report.
- Other Business – 6:25-6:30PM
Eric reminded the board that the Annual planning meeting will be half-day on Sat. January 18. Robin, Charles, and Eric are going to meet tomorrow to discuss what will be discussed at that meeting. Eric asked for input on what should be discussed. Chad would like to discuss our strategic attack for the capital campaign in order to make the entire board aware of who and what we are trying to target. Mary Benton asked what the role of the board will be moving forward in order to support the school. Robin noted that we should review the strategic plan and see what the board can do related to achieving those goals. Chad noted that he’d like to see a discussion of the skill sets we will need moving forward in our new members. Alex asked about a possible theater begin built and wants the board to be concerned with helping make sure that happens. Robin noted that in order to build a theater we would need to be on the city’s capital campaign calendar because the amount we would need to raise would be in the millions. Robin also remarked that our current efforts are building a base of community support for being able to raise funds later for a theater. Robin thinks it will be at least 5-7 years.
Mary Benton encouraged all board members to be sure that they take a tour of the school with Robin on Thursdays at 9:30-10:30.
- Adjournment – 6:30PM
The meeting was adjourned at 6:28pm.
Next full Board meeting in conjunction with the board planning session on 1/18/14.
Looking Ahead:
○ ABS Staff/Board Holiday Party; December 14, 6:00pm
○ Board annual planning session; (tentative) morning of 1/18/14