Board Meeting Minutes » BOD Special Meeting Minutes - April 20, 2021

BOD Special Meeting Minutes - April 20, 2021

The meeting was called to order by Ellen Heck at 5:47pm after ten Board members logged on. A quorum was met shortly thereafter.

Griff Morgan reviewed supporting points for a recommendation from the Executive Committee to return 6th grade students to in-person learning 4 days a week following Plan A starting on April 27.

  1. An examination of 6th grade class size (17-20 students) along with consideration of the physical classroom space and furniture revealed the potential to abide by the minimal distancing (3 feet) requirement of the State and CDC
  2. The “specials” classrooms could also accommodate 17-20 students within the minimal distancing guideline
  3. Distancing requirements cannot be met with the larger 7th and 8th grade classes

A public comment period followed this recommendation. It was asked and confirmed that 3-foot distancing cannot be accomplished with the 7th and 8th grade classes.

The motion to return the 6th grade to in-person learning 4 days a week following Plan A came from the Executive Committee, and was seconded by Michelle Kennedy.

A roll call vote was performed

Ellen Heck- yes

Dara Silver- yes

Christopher Gilmore- yes

Larry Barron- yes

Amber Dalholt- yes

Kelly Emling- yes

Chrissy Hardy- yes

Michelle Kennedy- yes

Shannon Meares- yes

Griff Morgan- yes

Lara Hanes Pierce- yes

April Ruffin-Adams- yes

Julia Toone- yes

Brittany Emery- yes

The motion approved with unanimous approval.

Shannon Meares moved to adjourn and April Ruffin-Adams seconded. The motion passed by Board vote and the meeting was adjourned.