Board Meeting Minutes Archive » BOD Meeting Minutes-September 8, 2020

BOD Meeting Minutes-September 8, 2020

Virtual Meeting due to COVID Pandemic
Winston-Salem, NC

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

In Attendance:
Robin Hollis, Kyle Barnes, Paige Raper, Christopher Gilmore, Kathie Fansler, Suzanne S, Amber Dalholt, Griff Morgan, Ellen Heck, Chrissy Hardy, Becky Dickson, Brittany Emery, Kelly Emiling, Dara Silver, Ellen Coble, Bill Scheidt, Larry Barron, Lara Hanes Pierce, Mary Siebert, Shannon Meares, Tomisha Gladman, April Ruffin-Adams, Brian Cole, Jennifer Holman, Danielle Parker

Quorum was met and the meeting was called to order by Ellen Heck at 5:45pm

Kelly motioned and Ellen Coble seconded to approved the minutes. The minutes were approved

Kyle presented the financials

Kyle motioned, Chris seconded approval of the financials. The financials were approved.

Ellen Heck asked that the chairs of the committees contact her with the expected frequency at which they’ll meet next year

Committee Updates-
Ellen announced that we have been having Executive Committee meetings with the topic of discussion being Plan B strategies, mask policies, etc.

An Executive Committee meeting will be held on 10/5 to make a recommendation to the Board re: opening Plan B or continuing with Plan C

ABS Board Meeting to hear that recommendation will be the following day on 10/6

Ellen Heck- permits still in progress for expansion in the courtyard. Delays have been due to the fact that a number of key people involved in the approval process are working from home

Ellen Coble- the committee met in late August. Lots of discussion has been held on annual giving and capital campaign. Case made for moving forward due to uncertainties with the pandemic, election, it has been recommended to have the Annual Giving campaign in October. A letter  will be sent to parents announcing the campaign with preliminary information about why we have a campaign, welcoming them back to the school. This will be followed by a letter with the formal ask, setting a positive tone by highlighting the virtues of the school, etc. Payments will be accepted throughout the school year. Board participation is expected to be 100%. Last year’s total amount was $72K.

The capital campaign and the courtyard project are now separated by about 2 years. We’d planned to have the courtyard project to be front and center by March

We currently have $195K pledged for the capital campaign, mostly from Board members and BB&T. The plan is to have those funds allocated to the courtyard expansion after which the capital campaign will begin. The capital campaign will meet with the W-S Foundation coordinating committee for placement on the calendar in early 2023.

Ellen H.- Do we need a Board vote to separate the courtyard project from the larger capital campaign?

Ellen C.- this has been discussed quite a bit in committee and it was decided that the timing of the projects dictate that the courtyard project funding come first

Kyle- supported that decision

Principal’s Report - presented by Robin via screensharing.
She’d previously sent the information with her email containing the meeting agenda and last month’s minutes.

92 participants in the survey, expects more to weigh in after tomorrow’s Parents’ meeting.

Diversity and Inclusion-
Dara- Diversity/Inclusion Committee continues to work on the D&I statement. Still just getting started and the committee welcomes any help. Invitation to interested Board members to contact her or April.

Parent Council-
Becky Dickson- The Council’s co-chair is stepping down. Trying to facilitate more social interaction and a support network for parents by way of parent support Zoom meetings.

Other business-
Ellen- The Winston-Salem Arts Council has asked for CARES funding and has asked that ABS support their application.

Special Meeting for 10/6 was clarified, the purpose of which is to hear the recommendation from the Executive Committee on continuing with Plan C or moving to Plan B

Motion to adjourn by Brian Cole, seconded by Ellen Coble

Meeting adjourned at 6:18pm