Board Meeting Minutes Archive » BOD Meeting Minutes- February 14, 2017

BOD Meeting Minutes- February 14, 2017


ABS MLK Building

Winston-Salem, NC

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

In Attendance: Robin Hollis, Paige Raper, Eric Prior, Amy Lanning, Linda Pass, Joan Marie Belnap, Brittany Emery, Charles Cleveland, Griff Morgan, Julee Nunley, Kevin Nunley, Margaret Taylor, Doug Punger, Chrissy Hardy, Debbie Linville, Mary Siebert, Julia Toone, Chris Gilmore,


  1. Meeting Called to Order – Meeting called to order by Joan Marie Belnap at 4:50
  2. Approval of January 2017 Minutes (Vote Needed) – Motion to approve made by Eric Prior. Kevin Nunley seconds the motion and all are in favor. The minutes are approved.
  3. Review of YTD financial statements (Brittany) (Vote Needed) – In January 2017 we had a net deficit of $19,000. There was $105,000 worth of expenses that were incurred for the Alex Ewing theater. Robin Hollis mentions that we are trying to make sure that the Alex Ewing donation is aligned with the costs. It would be helpful to pull that out separately. Motion made by Margaret Taylor to approve the financials. Griff Morgan seconds motion. All are in favor and the motion passes.
  4. Principal’s Report (Robin) – 457 applications made it in by the deadline for the lottery. We have 26 spots in kinder only. 1st-8th grades are full. All numbers will be pulled for the lottery but others will be on the waitlist. Margaret Taylor asks if there is a waitlist for each grade level. Yes, there is. There will be some movement on the waitlist. Some people are moving or leaving but haven’t given up their spot yet. There is no advertising done for the lottery. Siblings have priority but only if there is a spot available. MAP testing results: Mrs. Hollis shared results from our students compared to the national norm group. The current third grade cohort is below the norm group in math but everyone else is above the norm. We give these results to parents, but teachers also use the results to determine goal setting and what skills need reinforcement. Teachers have a half-day off for data day to review results as a grade level. Chris Gilmore asks if we knew this about the third grade cohort last year. Mrs. Hollis says there is no standardized math testing before third grade. Third graders aren’t typically very far above the norm. It’s their first standardized test and prior to this the testing is one-on-one with a teacher. Joan Marie Belnap asks if our numbers of students with IEPs is about the same as other schools. Mrs. Hollis doesn’t have data but knows that our last count number wasn’t very different from other schools.

We will work on the school calendar and hopefully have a draft available for March.

  1. Committee Updates

Vote needed –facilities committee – Kevin Nunley sent an email attachment for an estimate to have elevations and rendering for expansion of the 7th St building. We need this information to sit with any builder and get ideas on pricing, how much space would be left in the courtyard, etc. We are looking to pay for the plans and then we would own them. Doug Punger says in an AIA agreement the architect own the plans. Kevin reminds that this person is a draftsman. He would get the plans stamped by an architect. Eric Prior says the same person did the plans for the 7th Street building. This is less expensive than an architect. Linda Pass asks if we own the PDF or a CAD file. Kevin thinks we have both for the 7th Street building and would have both for this. Doug Punger asks about the note that this doesn’t include storm water planning. Kevin Nunley says the phase one estimate doesn’t include this but it would be included on any plans for construction. Kevin Nunley makes a motion to approve $3,750 expense for initial phase. Griff Morgan seconds. All are in favor, no one opposed. The motion passes.

Other committee reports – Charles Cleveland – Board development – We want to make the process transparent and follow a process. It’s an 8-step process that has been sent out. We have revised the application for potential board members. Volunteer recognition program: the committee doesn’t think we need to jump into that. Advisory council: Consider this as a motion. It would give an opportunity for alumni who have timed out on their board involvement to be involved. It may also attract people who can’t meet each month but could meet once a year to advise us. This would also be helpful as we move towards a capital campaign. Kevin Nunley asked if the advisory council would report to Robin Hollis. Yes. They wouldn’t have voting rights or responsibilities. Joan Marie asks how many might be included. Charles said there wasn’t a need to limit the number. Motion made as detailed in the written proposal by Charles Cleveland. Kevin Nunley seconds the motion. All are in favor with no one opposed. Joan Marie asks about timeline for the board development plan. April should have a slate of officers and nominees.

Amy Lanning – We have a few people left to hit our 100% board participation goal. We’d like to get there before Shannon Wright and Emily Ball appeal to parents to donate. They would like to be able to tell parents there is 100% board participation. By next week, we will start making phone calls. This committee is also discussing trying to secure more corporate sponsorships for Community Creates. Communications/Marketing – This committee connected with Scott Carpenter at Capture and they said brand standards wouldn’t be hard to create and they hope it will be ready soon. We’re also looking for a way to capture the ABS story for the 15th anniversary. There is someone (Matt Brown with 336 Creative) willing to do it pro bono. The committee will have a plan in March. Where would the video be shown? On the website, Community Creates, with potential donors, etc. Joan Marie asks about opening the theater. There is no firm date but there is lots of work being done and we hope to plan something soon. Parent Council: Annual Giving training for parents starts this Friday for a launch in March. Robin thanks the board for 75% participation and $12,850 in support of the Annual Fund. Robin Hollis is still working on edits for the employee handbook. It will go back to the committee before it goes to the board. Joan Marie Belnap and Margaret Taylor will meet to discuss this.

Other Business

  1. Adjournment – Meeting is adjourned at 5:30.


Looking Ahead:



○      Next Meeting: March 14

○      Community Creates! Saturday, May 6, 7-11 pm