Board Meeting Minutes Archive » BOD Meeting Minutes- January 14, 2017

BOD Meeting Minutes- January 14, 2017


ABS 7th Street Building

Winston-Salem, NC

Saturday, January 14, 2017

In Attendance: Bill Scheidt, Griff Morgan, Nigel Alston, Robin Hollis, Mary Siebert, Joan Marie Belnap, Paige Raper, Amy Lanning, Betsy Messick, Brittany Emery, Nicole Howard, Chris Gilmore, Julia Toone, Chrissy Hardy, Charles Cleveland, Lindsay Deibler, Becky Koza, Debbie Linville, Kevin Nunley, Annie Campbell, Suzanne Shuford, Heather Smith, Eric Prior, Cheryl Hicks, Michelle Kennedy, Linda Pass


  1. Meeting Called to Order – Joan Marie Belnap calls the meeting to order.
  2. Approval of December 2016 Minutes – Charles Cleveland makes a motion to approve the December minutes with the addition of Chrissy Hardy who was in attendance. Emily Ball seconds the motion. All are in favor, none opposed. Minutes approved.
  3. Review of December Financials (Brittany) – We compared to last December and there were usual timing issues. Net $77,000 so $141,000 for the year. There were some big expenses in January. We are at about 50% of the year. This is in line with where we are. Nigel Alston makes a motion to approve the financials. Debbie Linville seconds. All are in favor, the motion is approved.
  4. Audit Report – Audit report – This shows the same things that we saw in June. $1.3 million in our total net position. Expenses of 3 million. We had a clean opinion and no management comments. The list of board members on the original drafts will be fixed next year. The recommendation came from the finance committee, so we don’t need a motion. All are in favor, so the audit report is approved.
  5. Principal’s Report – Robin Hollis reports that the enrollment lottery is underway. We are collecting applications. Board members received information on the number of applications in so far. We are running about the same as we have at this time last year. We don’t advertise. Most people hear through word of mouth or an Internet search. We have had several inquiries on tours asking about becoming a board member. Tours are given in the elementary and middle school building on Thursdays and we usually have 8-10 families. The board meeting is the same night as the lottery so there may be a timing change.

School calendar – Mary and Robin have been working on trying to draft a two-year calendar, which helps make plans for theater times in the community. We will be getting feedback on that soon. They will be prepared for board approval in March.

Kindergarten is getting ready to do Peter and the Wolf with the PLUCK dancers soon.

  1. Annual Campaign – Amy Lanning – It is important for a number of reasons to have 100% board participation in the annual campaign. Board materials sent ahead of the meeting contained a board letter of intent and we encourage you to give as much as is comfortable – 100% participation in important. This info is included on several grant applications and it’s relevant to corporate fundraising. It is also helpful to be able to tell parents and families that there is 100% board participation. A letter of intent or a check works.

Emily Ball – The Annual Fund campaign begins in March. We will talk with parent reps after the Parent Council meeting. If you have a child here your donation counts as both board and parent. If you’ve already donated, you may not get a call. Robin clarifies that this is a line item on the budget and is part of the operational budget. We don’t ask families and students to sell things. Community Creates money goes to the artist residencies.  



The meeting is adjourned by Joan Marie Belnap.