Board Meeting Minutes Archive » BOD Meeting Minutes- October 8, 2019

BOD Meeting Minutes- October 8, 2019


ABS 7th Street Building

Winston-Salem, NC

Tuesday October 8th, 2019

In Attendance:


Kyle Barnes

Kelly Emling


Brian Cole

Amber Dalholt


Brittany Emery


Chris Gilmore 


Tomisha Gladman


Chrissy Davis Hardy


Ellen Heck 


Cheryl Hicks

Jennifer Holman

Michelle Taylor Kennedy


Charlie McCurry


Griff Morgan


Dani Parker Moore

Kevin Nunley


Lara Hanes-Pierce


April Ruffin-Adams

Bill Scheidt


Suzanne Shuford


Dara Silver


Margaret Taylor 


Julia Toone


Also In Attendance: Robin Hollis, Paige Raper, Mary Siebert, Ellen Coble, Sam Pearce



  • Meeting Called to Order  – Meeting is called to order at 5:51. 
  • Approval of September Minutes – ACTION REQUIRED – Motion to approve the September minutes made by Margaret Taylor and seconded by Brian Cole. All are in favor with no one opposed. The minutes are approved. 
  • Review of September Financial Results & Budget update (Brittany) – ACTION REQUIRED  – The state has not approve their budget so we don’t have a final budget revised yet. For September we have $1,211,000 revenue. The deficit of $82,000 is to be expected with the Whitney Jones expenses and beginning of the year purchase of supplies and curriculum. Motion to approve made by Tomisha Gladman and seconded by Margaret Taylor.  All in favor with no one opposed. The financials are approved. 
  • Committee Updates – Various – Diversity Inclusion Committee – We’ve come up with some pretty big goals: Help diversify the staff, create a public statement on diversity to highlight on website, define goals for diversity and inclusion and create action steps on how to get there. We would like to have an event with several key players in higher education who can help us with a direct stream of recruits. Julia Toone – Moved Annual Giving to fall last year. Again this year it is in the fall. It was launched for parents last Thursday. There is a new platform for parents to donate monthly. Board solicitations for annual campaign will be held since we have been working hard on the capital campaign. We have 100% board participation now. Julia’s calculations show that board giving for cap campaign is $110,950. Parent campaign for cap campaign will be held in the first quarter of 2020. Thanks again to Ellen Heck for designing beautiful materials. They should arrive this week. Thanks to Brittany and Suzanne Shuford for helping with donor database keeping. Griff adds that people have been extremely generous and supportive. It is very much appreciated by board, faculty, students, and families. Ellen Heck – Marketing – Turning some more attention to the website and meeting this month with the parent group working on that. Kevin Nunley – Facilities – Griff reports that Innovation Quarter might be willing to sell us a parcel of land directly across from the cemetery at Old Salem. It is a good location in terms of the criteria we’ve been considering. It could work if UNCSA wants to share some space there. The county offered to sell the old Hanes Lowrance location. Tomisha Gladman asks what they school system is doing with the old Paisley building. We don’t know. Kevin Nunley reports that the Thomasville site is off the table. There is a site directly adjacent that could be for sale. There is nothing there yet so it would require a complete build. There are a few options and there may be more we haven’t uncovered. No report from personnel, nominating, strategic planning. 
  • Principal’s Report (Robin) – Normally I give you a report on MAP data. That is not completed yet. October is the month when Robin and Paige do teacher observations. This includes a pre-observation meeting, observation, and post-observation meeting. Community Creates scheduled for May 2nd. There have been shifts in the committee and this would be a great time to make some changes. We’d like to meet with the fundraising committee. This Friday at the PC meeting we will ask for volunteers to help with that event. 
  • Parent Council Updates – Sam Pearce reports that PC is excited about some changes. They have been sending out surveys to teachers on volunteers and also to parents on volunteers. Fall Fest was a success. There was a question about food trucks. There was one truck signed up and then they had an emergency. Sign Up Genius was used to gather volunteers. We’re meeting at Moji Coffee after PC meetings. Last Friday of the month there was an event at Wise Man. Book Fair raised $12,800 this year. 
  • Other Business
  • Adjournment – 6:45pm Kevin Nunley makes a motion to adjourn and Brian Cole seconds. All are in favor and the meeting is adjourned. 


Looking Ahead:


    • NEXT Board Meeting – Tuesday November 12