Board Meeting Minutes Archive » BOD Meeting Minutes- January 19, 2019

BOD Meeting Minutes- January 19, 2019

ABS Board Retreat

Arts Based School – 7th Street Building

Winston-Salem, NC

Saturday January 19, 2019


·         Coffee and Introduction – 8:30

·         Bill Scheidt Drumming Circle – 8:45am

·         Review of Strategic Plan – Kevin Nunley, Robin Hollis, Griff Morgan, Brittany Emery, Ellen Heck, Julia Toone

·         Capital Campaign Review and Discussion

o   Feasibility Study

o   Discussion of Capital Campaign Uses and Goals


*Break to serve lunch – 11:45*



Kyle Barnes x
Kelly Emling x
Brian Cole  
Amber Dalholt x
Brittany Emery x
Chris Gilmore  
Tomisha Gladman x
Chrissy Davis Hardy x
Ellen Heck x
Cheryl Hicks x
Michelle Taylor Kennedy x
Charlie McCurry x
Griff Morgan x
Kevin Nunley x
Linda Pass x
Lara Hanes-Pierce  
April Ruffin-Adams x
Bill Scheidt x
Suzanne Shuford x
Margaret Taylor x
Julia Toone x

Also in attendance: Robin Hollis, Paige Raper, Mary Siebert, Trish Goldberg, Rob Rambach, Jan Adams, Alex DeJarnette, Joy Blaser, Becky Dickson



  1. Meeting Called to Order – 12:00am – Meeting called to order by Kevin Nunley at 12:15. Robin thanks Kevin for the board retreat and lunch.
  2. Approval of December Minutes – ACTION REQUIRED – Motion to approve the December minutes made by Griff Morgan and seconded by Michelle Kennedy. All are in favor with no one opposed. The minutes are approved.
  3. Review of December Financial Results (Brittany) – ACTION REQUIRED – December is halfway through the year. We’re at 50% of revenue and 49.5% expenses. Total YTD net deficit of $20,000 due to the timing of money received. The 990 and audit are being worked on and we’re meeting next week with the auditor and should be ready for approval at the February meeting. We are carrying state pension benefits. We’re trying to understand what the effects of that are. It won’t affect our operating budget but how it is presented on the financials. Les Merritt has done our audit for the last two years. He has given a contract of $6800 which was the lowest cost. A motion to approve the financials is made by committee and seconded by Kyle Barnes. All are in favor and the financials are approved. Motion to approve Les Merritt for the audit made by Brittany Emery and seconded by Julia Toone. All are in favor with no one opposed.
  4. Principal’s Report (Robin) – Sent ahead of the email via e-mail. Application numbers were given are from last week. The application is online this year. The board meeting will take place the night of the lottery at 6:45 instead of 5:45 because of the lottery at 5:45. We will meet in the MLK building. Charter school performance framework: this is a report on compliance. We are in the process of doing this right now. Robin will report on this once she gets results. We’re sitting in the new classrooms and are excited that the dance studio and theater are back in operation. We are working on summer camp programming to help increase revenue and allow teachers to make extra money. Margaret Taylor asks what weeks it will operate but we’re not sure yet. Mary Siebert recommends that board members come to Peter and the Wolf if they can. It’s a great show. Michelle asks what we decided at the last meeting about snow days. We’re waiting to see how many days we’re out in January and February.
  5. Parent Council Updates – January Jam is coming up on Friday. There is a PC meeting on Friday as well. School counselors are coming to the meeting to talk about counseling at ABS. We will ask parents for feedback on the calendar for next year.
  6. Other Business – Suzanne Shuford mentions Kitsap Rocks. And wonders if we could/should have ABS rocks. Interesting idea as we discuss reach. Greenville, SC does Mice on Main. Stores have pieces of paper and you follow a trail to find them all. Maybe this leads to a donation. Ellen Coble reports that $67,442 has been raised in the annual campaign. Leah Lavin did a lot of work on the move from Spring to Fall and did a great job.
  7. Adjournment – 12:30am – Motion to adjourn by Michelle Kennedy and seconded by Julia Toone. All are in favor. The meeting is adjourned.


Looking Ahead:



●      February Board Meeting – February 12, 6:45pm, MLK Building