Board Meeting Minutes Archive » BOD Meeting Minutes- September 12, 2017

BOD Meeting Minutes- September 12, 2017


ABS 7th Street Building

Winston-Salem, NC

Tuesday September 12th, 2017

In Attendance: Robin Hollis, Yvonne Leab, Joan Marie Belnap, Brian Cole, Debbie Linville, Amy Lanning, Kyle Barnes, Joy Blaser, Brittany Emery, Kevin Nunley, Kelly Carswell, Bill Scheidt, Ellen Heck, Griff Morgan, Chrissy Hardy, Julia Toone, Margaret Taylor, Suzanne Shuford, Charlie McCurry, Cheryl Hicks,



  1. Meeting Called to Order – 5:45pm – Kevin Nunley calls the meeting to order. We have a new board member – Cheryl Hicks who was voted in last month.
  2. Approval of August Minutes – ACTION REQUIRED – Motion to approve August minutes was made by Amy Lanning. Brian Cole seconds the motion. All are in favor and no one is opposed. The minutes are approved.
  3. Review of August Financial Results (Brittany Emery) – Next month we’ll be reviewing the budget and presenting an amended budget. YTD revenue is $659,000, expenses are $697,000, 83% of year remaining. Net difference of $38,000. Most of that is timing. ADM is about $191 per student more so we will be reviewing that with the amended budget as well. EC student funding increased by $269. It should add about $49,000 to our budget to be reflected in our October amended budget. Motion by committee to approve the August financials. Kyle Barnes seconds the motion. All in favor, no one opposed. Charlie McCurry asks how the $191 increase compares to past years’ increases. Mrs. Hollis hasn’t pulled historical info but can work on that. We have had years where there is no increase so we build the budget for July based on last year’s numbers.
  4. Facilities Update (Kevin Nunley) – Kevin Nunley reports that Jeff Brinker is the draftsman working on the courtyard expansion. We met this summer and looked at preliminary plans and the initial big conversation was about how many bathrooms would be needed for the expansion. It comes down to a fixture count. It originally cut our classroom space so we had to go back and redo that. Zoning officials with the county cut it from 12 fixtures to 8 fixtures. We are not adding any more students with the increase in square footage so in reality, there is no more of a need for fixtures. New design has three classrooms with sufficient bathroom space. Facilities will meet on Friday morning and look at plans. Road closure outside the building is due to a sinkhole below the railroad tracks. It is working for our traffic flow right now but the railroad has observed a 6-inch dip in the tracks when a train rolls over. They are fixing the hole by filling it in with gravel but this may cause drainage problems. We have been told this is not a danger to us and we have had a lot of rain with no problems in the building. Linda Pass is working on this.
  5. Principal’s Report (Robin) – If you weren’t at the last meeting, please fill out a conflict of interest statement. We do this every year. ADM – this is based on how many students are enrolled in the first 20 days. We are right on track to be at 518 on the 20th day (Sept 19th). It has been a smooth start to school. There is a lot of testing at the start of the year. The third graders took the BOG today. There was a plan in case Irma affected attendance and all but one student was here for the test. mClass reading testing for K-3rd grade starts now as well. MAP testing is one we elect to give because it gives us great data. We start in 3rd grade and do this three times a year. We are required by the Read to Achieve law to send parents a letter to notify parents of third grade students who are not at grade level. Staffing updates – LeeAnn Farrell is out on maternity leave. She returns in October. At the same time, Mrs. Green will go out on maternity leave. We will not hire maternity leave subs. Lenora McNamara will cover and Mrs. Green will get most of her things done before she goes out.
  6. Closed Session – Employee Matter – Kevin Nunley moves to go into closed session. Motion by Kevin, seconded by Julia Toone. All are in favor with no one opposed.
  7. Other Business – First Parent Council meeting of the year is this Friday. Fall Fest and the Scholastic Book Fair are coming up. Brian Cole asks how many people are on Parent Council. All parents are members. Classroom reps do most of the heavy lifting. One to two per room. We are looking into how to help middle school parents feel more involved in PC. Possible meeting topics include social media, suicide, implicit bias, etc. We’ve tried an evening meeting and did not have good turnout. Margaret Taylor reports that the board development committee works on onboarding new board members and the creation of an advisory council. We are looking for community members who would like to support our school in some way. E-mail names of people who may be interested or may be a good fit for this to Margaret Taylor. Kevin reports that there is a committee list that is incomplete. Please see Kevin about the list so we know where you would like to serve. A capital campaign committee will likely be formed to work on this project. Everyone is invited to Fall Fest on September 30th from 12:00 to 3:00. Shannon Shearburn is in charge of Fall Fest this year.
  8. Adjournment – 6:45pm Meeting is adjourned at 6:43


Looking Ahead:



○      NEXT Board Meeting – Tuesday October 10th