Trish Goldberg » Volunteer Information

Volunteer Information

We need volunteers and lots of them!  Remember, you are always welcome to volunteer with any class/grade and not only with the one your student may be in.   
Volunteers will need to enter through the front office, check in at the front desk and obtain your volunteer badge. Please plan to arrive five minutes earlier than the class start time so you can learn about what we are doing that session and/or help with prep work. It is extremely helpful to volunteer for a chunk of time, such as 8:15-10:00; 10:00-11:30; 12:45-2:30. Or simply two classes back-to-back. Or one full morning a week depending on your schedule. This lets the teacher know when they have extra hands available and can plan activities to take advantage of extra help. As always, volunteering for one (1) spot is welcome as well. We appreciate any time you can give us.