Board Nomination Process

Step 1. Evaluate the current Board to identify areas of needs related to skill sets, diversity, and parental status and community connections. To be completed in November.

Step 2. Develop a list of potential candidates to fill needs. To be completed December through January.  Applications along with criteria will be posted on our website.

Step 3. Contact candidates to share roles and responsibilities. Completed by January 31.

Step 4. The candidate submits signed application forms. Completed by January 31st.

Step 5. Committee review of applications. Completed in February.

Step 6. Board recommendations and approval. Completed at the April Board meeting.

Step 7. New member orientation and reception. Conducted at the August Board meeting.

The Arts Based School Board Member Expectations
Each Member is responsible for actively participating in the work of the Arts Based Schools’ (ABS) Board of Directors and the life of the school. Each Board Member is expected to affirm and strive to fulfill the performance expectations outlined here. These expectations are to be clearly articulated prior to nominating any candidate as a Board member. The ABS Board will nominate the candidate only after she/he has agreed to fulfill these expectations.